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Showing posts from December, 2014

"Weather", "Tchaikovsky," "Ligeti," and "Gorecki":This Fucking Guy goes On About the Weather, and a Few Composers He Happens to Fucking Like

Weather You know, If I had had Any fucking idea What the temperature was Before I motherfucking left for work I would have brought my fucking bike helmet And rode down here. I feel like I really fucking missed out. But I can't blame the motherfucking weather I should have fucking checked the fucking weather Then I would have fucking known Ok, I just checked the weather It's like 6, maybe 7 degrees Celsius Colder than I fucking thought If I had seen that before I left, I would've been like, "Fuck that, That's too motherfucking cold." But it wouldn't have fucking been It would have been a really nice motherfucking time So what the fuck? What the fuck should I have fucking done? 12/15/2014 Tchaikovsky Yes, 'tis the fucking season When I fucking find myself Listening to a lot of Tchaikovsky Now, I like that motherfucker There are so many nice fucking tunes In the motherfucking Nutcracker That it blows my motherfuck...

"Report": This Fuckin' Guy is Pissed Off About Some Fucking Bullshit

Report So a fucking Senate report comes out That is basically the same As the motherfucking Red Cross report from  Two thousand and fucking seven And these motherfuckers all over the fucking place Are acting like this is fucking news? Asking if torture is really fucking torture? Fuck you. I mean, ok: It's not like I fucking go to the mainstream fucking news media For fucking news. I go because I like to know what people are being told.   And of course, people are being told bullshit, Like that old fucking song: "In Leningrad, the people say" (Just fucking google it), But it's fucking worse than that We're all fucking being told, "It's okay, you didn't know." Fuck you you didn't  know. You don't have to read the fucking New York Review of Books (You should, but you don't have to) You don't have to read fucking Truthout, Or The Nation, Or the Progress Report, Or whatever the fuck. To tell y...